fmueller for hire

If you like the look of this web site, and are thinking of having one built like it for your business or organization, consider hiring me to do this work for you. If you don't have photos, I can visit you and take them for you. Also, if you don't have articles and other written documents necessary to convey your message, I am happy to talk to you and write the material for you. Most web design services will simply put on the web what you have. I think that by
combining web publishing with photography and my excellent writing skills, I can offer a very unique service!
You don't have money to pay for my services?
Well, if you don't have any money, that could be a problem, but since I am trying to establish myself as a web designer, I will probably work cheaper than most anybody else. I am also flexible when it comes to payment options. For example I once sold a second hand camera lens via eBay to Nepal. The buyer was new to eBay, and did not realize that he was not allowed to send foreign currency out of his country. In the end, he send me three beautiful golden Buddha statues in exchange for my lens, and everybody was happy. Where there is will, there is way!
Buddhas and lens.
I am located in Auckland, New Zealand. I now have some free time on my hands, and would like to turn my web design hobby into a side business. I have completed classes in web design at Kent State University in the USA, and have built from scratch the following web sites:
I have practiced photography as a hobby for more than 20 years. I own a Canon EOS digital SLR camera with a full range of professional quality lenses and accessories. Writing is also a hobby of mine, and I have a wide range of professional writing experience, ranging from scientific publications in chemistry to policy documents and speeches for the Australian Public Service. I have completed classes in marketing and have guest-lectured at the University of Canberra on how to best convey a message to your customers.
If you want to get in touch with me, please don't hesitate to
Many thanks
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